Localized Light-Scatterer-One feature on the surface of a wafer, such as a pit or a scratch that scatters light. It is also called a light point defect. 局部光散射-晶圆片表面特征,例如小坑或擦伤导致光线散射,也称为光点缺陷。
Point Defect-A crystal defect that is an impurity, such as a lattice vacancy or an interstitial atom. 点缺陷-不纯净的晶缺陷,例如格子空缺或原子空隙。
A mine winch gearbox was analyzed with simple diagnosis and precise diagnosis, and located the faults of gear z1 with serious abrasion and point defect. 通过设备的简易诊断可发现振动烈度较大的测点,然后对其进行精密频谱分析,从而找出故障部位的原因。
Inclusions trapped in point defect mode are commonly in small size and not easy to be analyzed. 点缺陷型包裹体体积一般较小,不方便分析;
Analysis of Disadvantages on China 'Exchanges Rate System and Improvement Measures The influence of defect filling fraction on the energy band in 2D point defect phononic crystals 我国汇率制度的缺陷及改进措施初探二维点缺陷声子晶体中缺陷填充率对能带的影响
The influence of defect filling fraction on the energy band in 2D point defect phononic crystals 二维点缺陷声子晶体中缺陷填充率对能带的影响
Study and Analysis of Point Defect in TFT-LCD Process TFT-LCD点缺陷的分析与研究
It consists of two line defect waveguides and two point defect micro-cavities. 这个器件由两个线缺陷波导和两个点缺陷微腔构成。
Influence of point defect on microwave properties of dielectric ceramics 点缺陷对微波介质陶瓷介电性能的影响
Diffusion coefficient of uranium in UO_2+ x, sintering temperature and densification equation in low temperature sintering were also discussed by both the point defect model and the low-temperature sintering experiments. 理论讨论和试验验证了UO2低温烧结时铀离子的体扩散系数、低温烧结温度和致密化动力学方程。
Point defect studies on perovskite structured piezoelectric ceramics using positron annihilation 用正电子湮没研究钙钛矿结构压电陶瓷中的点缺陷
Based on point defect model, the mechanism of low-temperature sintering for uranium dioxide was studied in this paper. 基于PDM(pointdefectmodel),研究了UO2+x在微氧化性气氛下低温烧结的机理。
The recovery process of Ag involves a comprehensive recovery mechanism of point defect, line defect and plane defect. 晶格畸变减少和亚晶粒长大等等。回复过程涉及点缺陷、线缺陷和面缺陷综合回复机制。
A description and detection of the structure and electronic state of point defect associates in dislocation-free silicon monocrystal 无位错硅晶体中点缺陷络合体的结构和电子态的描述及其检测
Finally, the results of the disordered-regions model are com-pared with that of the point defect model, and with the measurement data. 最后,将计算结果与点缺陷模型、及实验测量数量进行比较和讨论。
It can be seen from the simulated results that single point defect cavity can achieve single-mode operation very well, but the volume of active material within this kind of cavity is very small, the emission efficiency is very low, too. 从模拟结果可以看出,对于缺陷腔的光子晶体结构,采用单点缺陷微腔很好地实现了单模运作,但是微腔内有源材料的体积很小,因此得到的发光效率很低。
Spectral correlation density analysis on bearing point defect diagnosis 谱相关密度分析在轴承点蚀故障诊断中的研究
Crystal defect was simulated and illustrated from point defect, line imperfection, face defect and body defect. 从点缺陷、线缺陷、面缺陷和体缺陷四方面对晶体缺陷进行了模拟和介绍;
A reasonable explanation for experimental results is given, which is based on the Li-site vacancy point defect model. 我们用铌酸锂晶体的缺陷模型对实验结果给出了合理的解释。
Among them, point defect is an important kind of lattice defects. 点缺陷是一类非常重要的晶体缺陷,它们的产生、运动与相互作用,以至于聚集或消失,都影响着金属晶体的基本性质。
Point defect is the most fundamental but the most important one of crystal defects, existing at a certain concentration in all materials. 点缺陷是最基本的也是最重要的一类晶格缺陷,材料中或多或少的都存在一定浓度的点缺陷。
Moment Method Study for the Scattering Loss Caused by a Point Defect in a Planar Waveguide 矩量法研究平面波导点缺陷引起的散射损耗
It is found that the point defect affects slightly for band gap width, central location and number of band gap. 发现二维光子晶体的禁带宽度、中心位置、禁带个数都要受到点缺陷的影响,但影响较小。
Photonic crystal point defect and line defect are integrated to design a photonic crystal channel drop filter. 将光子晶体点缺陷和线缺陷集成于一体,设计了一种光子晶体信道下载滤波器。
Vacancy density and vacancy diffusion coefficient in passive films were studied by using Mott-Schottky ( M-S) relationship and Point Defect Model ( PDM). 应用Mott-Schottky(M-S)关系和点缺陷模型(PDM)分析了钝化膜中的空位密度和空位扩散系数。
We simulate the point defect of the square and triangular photonic crystal; calculating the resonant frequency, which provide convenience to the design of the filter. 2. 对正方晶格和三角晶格的点缺陷进行模拟,计算出谐振腔对应的谐振频率,画出对用的电场分布图,为滤波器的设计提供了便利。
Finally we are able to control the morphology of electrodeposition Cu2O.On this basis, for the first time we successfully fabricate the point defect with particular shape, even the complex shape, in inverse opal structural photonic crystal in different materials system. 在此基础上,首次成功的用全化学方法制备出了特定缺陷形状、甚至复杂缺陷形状的不同材料体系的反蛋白石结构光子晶体点缺陷。
The nearer the location of point defect is from the source, the greater the field intensity is. 点缺陷的位置离光源越近,微腔内的场强越大。
The simulation results show that, compared to typical slow light structure of point defect array waveguide of two dimension photonic crystal, first structure can improve the efficiency of slow light, second structure can reduce the energy loss. 仿真结果表明,与典型的光子晶体点缺陷阵列波导慢光结构相比,非均匀间隔结构能有效的提高慢光效率,而插入线波导结构可以明显降低能量损耗。
It can be seen that the experimental results are in coincidence with numerical simulation results both for the single point defect and multi-point defects. 分别研究了单点缺陷和多点缺陷的情况,实验结果与数值模拟结果基本吻合。